Home > Shop by Artist > Artists with Smaller Catalogs > Kiala Givehand

Kiala Givehand is an innovative mixed media book artist, published poet, and retreat leader whose creations go beyond the boundaries of traditional bookmaking by infusing creativity, intuition & storytelling. Kiala crafts projects that blend ideas, images, and imagination to tell soulful stories infused with all the senses. She draws inspiration from her expansive background, experiences, and deep passion for self-expression. Her work often explores themes of identity, memory, spirituality, divination, and the universal human condition. Her work, whether writing poetry & creative nonfiction or drawing symbols, mandalas, and sigils, tells of her rich and complex journey of creating layers of meaning in every aspect of her life.

Living with a deliberate focus on cultivating happiness, Kiala takes pride in empowering women to embrace life more fully and intentionally, guiding them to excavate their stories and unleash their creative potential.

As a coach & mentor for creatives, mystics, seekers, and healers, Kiala facilitates journeys of deep inner work, radical transformation, and the creation of lives filled with passion and purpose. Her expertise extends beyond writing and bookbinding as she holds six academic degrees, is a certified Archetypal Astrologer, a Quantum Human Design Specialist, a SoulCollage® Trainer & Facilitator, a Cave Canem fellow, and a Voices of Our Nations (VONA) alum. Kiala’s writing has graced the pages of Brush Magazine, Mabel Magazine, Calyx: A Journal of Literature by Women, and more.

Connect with Kiala on Instagram (@kialagives) or join one of her transformative online classes where you will be invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment.

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Brush it Off Brush it Off
Our Price: $7.00
Aura Aura
Our Price: $7.00